Invested in your communication wellness!
Home-based individual and group speech therapy & evaluations
Home-based individual and group speech therapy & evaluations
Gift of Gab provides you with home-based therapeutic treatment or the option of Telespeech from the comfort of your own home. We also provide screenings, evaluations, and consultations. Our speech language pathologists are based in the New York City area and Long Island. Our whole family approach combines traditional methods with more progressive & innovative techniques. Gift of Gab therapists know how to “think outside of the box” to achieve your maximum potential.
Many of our team members are trained in PROMPT, Fluency techniques, Sequential Oral Sensory Feeding Approach (SOS) and Behavior management, Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), Sounds in Motion, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC), Cognitive Therapy, Talk Tools and Oral Motor Techni
Many of our team members are trained in PROMPT, Fluency techniques, Sequential Oral Sensory Feeding Approach (SOS) and Behavior management, Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), Sounds in Motion, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC), Cognitive Therapy, Talk Tools and Oral Motor Techniques.
The Gift of Gab Team offers workshops and community-based presentations throughout the Tri-State Area. Various members of our staff are cutting-edge experts in the field who have been published in books, blogs, and articles.
We are passionate about our clients and have worked with diverse individuals. We have a great deal of experience with Expressive/Receptive Language Delays, Early Intervention, Accent Reduction, Aphasia, Apraxia of Speech, Articulation and Phonological Disorders, Auditory Processing Disorders, Autism/Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD),
We are passionate about our clients and have worked with diverse individuals. We have a great deal of experience with Expressive/Receptive Language Delays, Early Intervention, Accent Reduction, Aphasia, Apraxia of Speech, Articulation and Phonological Disorders, Auditory Processing Disorders, Autism/Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Oral Motor Delays and Weakness, Stuttering, Aphasia, Dysarthria, Transgender Voice Therapy, and Traumatic Brain Injury.
We promote family and community involvement and we are 100% committed to your success. We focus on your overall communication wellness. Therapy does not end after the session. The Gift of Gab team is always there for you.
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